Sunday, July 12, 2009

How To Make Your Own Perfume At Home

Have you ever thought of making your own perfumes? Perhaps you would like to make them for your own use, to give to friends and family or even start your own business. It is perfectly possible to make your own perfumes at home out of natural substances.

Let's take a closer look at perfumes. The perfume that you buy in a store normally consists of a mixture of essential oils blended with alcohol which acts as a carrier for the perfume. The alcohol evaporates on contact with air and that is what gives off the perfume.

Many people do not like alcohol based cosmetics and that is a good reason to make your own perfumes. Alcohol based products can be harsh on the skin and in some people cause allergies.

But nor should you used essential oils on the skin undiluted. They are just too strong. Only lavender oil can be used directly in undiluted form on your skin. Even then you should avoid exposing the skin to sunlight. There is a danger of sun burn if you do.

What you need to do is dilute the essential oils with a carrier oil. There are many suitable oils. Almond oil is a good choice because it is light and not too sticky. But any vegetable oil will do as the base for your perfume. Scented olive oil can be very nice as a body rub so long as you allow it time to dry before dressing.

Essential oils can be bought in specialist fragrance stores and in some wholefood stores. They come in little brown glass bottles. The colour of the glass is important, because essential oils deteriorate when they are exposed to sunlight. So keep it is best to keep them in a dark place.

Plastic bottles are not a good idea because the essential oils react with the plastic. So always use glass. If you see essential oils being sold in anything other than dark glass bottles they are probably not essential oils. If they are they will contain impurities from the plastic container.

You should always bottle your own perfumes in dark glass containers. If a brown bottle looks unappealing to you then put your artistic skills into designing an attractive label. A hand made label will add something extra special to a gift of home made perfume. List the ingredients and the date you made it because essential oils deteriorate when they are exposed to the air.

Essential oils are very volatile. They are the oils contained in plants that give them their smell. If you walk through a lavender field on a hot day what you smell are the essential oils contained in lavender. They respond to heat and light.

All plants have these essential oils but some have more than others. They each have different effects on us. Some like lavender are soothing, others like citrus oils are invigorating. Sometimes you may want to make a perfume from just one type of essential oil. Sometimes you will want to blend them to ge the effect you want.

As you develop your skills you will find that you develop a nose. Your sense of smell will become more discriminating. Once you have got used to the palette of smells available you will be able to mix varied perfumes that suit particular occasions and different people.

There is a great art in mixing perfumes. Perfume is centuries old and you will be learning some of its mysteries for yourself.

Abhishek is a Perfume Making expert and he has got some great Perfume Making Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 91 Pages Ebook, "Perfumes ! Understanding, Buying And Making Perfumes" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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